Grief is uncomfortable.

You never really move on.

The people we lose will be very present with us.

The people we lose are indelible.

We must move forward with the people we have lost.

Grief happens with so many emotions

A new chapter starts with every loss.

Grief is chronic, sometimes incurable.

Grief can trigger fear, fear of losing yourself,

fear of thinking the pain will never end,

fear that they will be forgotten.

Fear that you are broken.

Healing brings a bigger life. Healing honors love.

They live on every day because they are within us.

They live on because we share their love with the world.

Motion slows down grief.

Do not cheat life by closing your heart.

Embrace grief as a part of life.

Embrace your emotions, milk life for all its worth

Connect to the flow of life.

Grief and ecstasy are connected.

Continue to be open to experiences.

Grief makes you encounter anger, rage, hate, emotional pain, terror,

and a feeling of being torn to pieces.

You need to feel all those things.

If you block off anger you block off vitality,

Block that fear and you

Block off the excitement,

Block off pain and you block off compassion,

block off hatred and you block off peace.

Block of that darkness and you block off your light.

Connecting to the flow of life will bring us back our life.

Stay open to our experience.

Grief is not depression.

Do the things that release dopamine into your system.

We honor the dead by choosing to live well.




Because we live in our world,

we want the world to be predictable and fair.

We want the world to live by our understanding.

We think the world should revolve around us.


After all, aren’t we the star of our reality?

We want things to go the way expect.


We can be happy by default with

being in the moment with intention.

The present moment is the only thing we have,

make it the best we can.


We can never experience, think, do, or feel

outside the present moment.

Our lives are based in the present moment.


We are bad at predicting the future.

Worrying about the future takes away from the present.

An intention mindset will keep us open,

accepting, and learning.

A playful attitude is a choice.


Accept that things do not always work out

 the way we wish.


 Keep your intentional mindset.

Living from a place of intention empowers you

to take responsibility for your outcomes.


A Mindset of Intention puts us back into the driver’s seat. Create the life you want.


Your physical well-being is the single most important element of your overall wellness and happiness.

Take responsibility for your fitness.


Constant exposure to negative news impacts us psychologically, emotionally, and mentally.


Depression distorts our stories in a very particular way,

it narrows our perception.

 Choose to be a hero in the story we chose to tell.


Let go of the thoughts and emotions that create suffering, they are from the darkness.