We are all Playwrights


We are what we tell ourselves we are.

Desires move our identity.

The story we tell ourselves about who we think we are

Is why we do what we do.

We live in our stories and according to those stories.

We are all living in our version of reality.


We are the protagonist in this story of ours.

Everyone else is a secondary character.

We create a world that is true for us and us alone.


We are all driven by energy.

We are all energy in human form.

 Be not defined by your body.

How we use this energy determines how

Our character in our story unfolds.


We are all playwrights.

We’re creating our own story.

Our point of view changes all of the time.

It’s okay to not know how your story continues.


Don’t let people tell you who you are;

They are secondary characters.


You are the only one who controls your story.

You can change your world by choosing what to do.

 You can’t control any of the secondary characters.


Take ownership of your life.

Take ownership of your suffering.

Take back ownership.


Be the director

of your story.


Stop blaming other people.

Don’t give your power away.






Be Watchful.


The battle between the light and the darkness is real.

Protect your light from your darkness.

Beware; the darkness speaks in your voice.


 Be skeptical of your negativity.

Anything that separates you from the light

 is the work of the darkness.


All good will be attacked by the darkness.

The darkness will justify doing wrong for all the right reasons.

The darkness is relentless and patient.

The darkness will make you suffer more in your imagination

than you do in reality.

The darkness promises everything you ever wanted.


Darkness only gives you darkness.

The darkness distorts our stories in a very particular way,

it narrows our perception.


Dwelling on past mistakes feeds the darkness.

Never trust Anger.

Anger is from the darkness.


Heal yourself from your lies.

Ask for help from the light every day.

There is light in the worst of us,

 and darkness in the best of us.


Fight to do right.

Take full responsibility.

Everyone matters, you matter.


By Tony Avitia